Jun 8, 2009
Hello Monday from Kung-Li June 8
Posted on 10:37 PM by Kung-Li Deng
One "Dog" Power
I was reading a book, "Car Science", together with Zach last week.
This book has very simple yet insightful explainations to children how car works. Zach and I both enjoyed reading the content very much.
One chapter explains how car is powered by tiny ex
plosions of gasoline that happen in the engine. And it is measured by horse power.
As example. I added that our Honda Accrod has 135 horse power, which means that the engine has power equivalent to 135 horses pulling the car.
Zach was very impressed at this explaination. He figures that a tiny engine packed with 135 horses must be cool.
And I went on to say that our lawn mower has 4 horse power and mom's vaccume cleaner has 2 horse power and so on.
Zach stopped me:
"Daddy, how about my remote controlled car?" Zach was eager to put his little Jeep toy car in the line-up.
"Well, your Jeep probably has close to zero horse power", considering it is a battery powered model car, I really did not give too much thought about it.

"No, my jeep at least should have one dog power", said Zach very proudly.
Lesson learned: Sometimes we, adults, are ignoring the fact that our children, small and young as they are physically and intellectually, are eager to have their "world" in the line up to the "grown-up" world.
One dog power is pretty good to run a remote controlled Jeep in a sunny afternoon with Daddy.
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