Aug 22, 2009

It Is Time To Soar (MTV)

Posted on 11:57 AM by Kung-Li Deng

It Is Time to Soar
whether you are walking alone on a dry road
or laboring hard for something or someone,
this is a place for you
to take a break, yes, break and rest for a while.....
Just let yourself soar like eagles in your mind, your heart and your spirit.....

Vocal: Pastor Carol Tabanno
Base: Pastor Pauli Tabanno
Piano: Kung-Li Deng


This video clip came in most unexpected ways.....

First, the music was recorded live in Harvest Church, Clifton NY in 2007 during a weekday worship service. Pastor Carol was praying then suddenly turned to me and said, "Kung-Li, keep playing" as I was playing in the worship band.

It is a spontaneous piece inspired by that precious moment with God's presence and anointing. I did not even know it was being recorded while I played. In fact, there I use only two chords through out about 45 min piano worship time.
So this is definitely not done for the purpose of "performing" but out of a simple heart of worship.

Second, all the eagles were a bunch of high flying friends at the back yard where we lives at Albany NY. There are at least 2 dozen of them, always soaring around the Mohawk river in a day with high winds. I took a camcorder one day and shot this footage.

Please sit back and enjoy it.
May God Bless you.

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