Nov 19, 2009
Like Dew in the Early Morning
Psalm 110:3
“Your people will volunteer when you call up your army.Your young people will come to you in holy splendor like dew in the early morning”
God looks at our Willingness:
Another translation is “Your troops will be willing on your day of battle.” As we are approaching 2010, I feel we are entering a time of battle, a time when the Lord is calling up his army to be enlisted in the harvest field. He will look at our hearts, the willingness to serve him will not be overlooked in his eyes. Many are called but few are chosen. The Lord calls everyone to the field, but few are chosen. What separates these two groups is one’s “willingness”: willing to follow the leading of the Lord and put in what it takes.
Holiness Is the Key:
“Arrayed in holy majesty, “ Still, AHF was founded upon the fear of the Lord at the beginning of 2009. We are reminded again here to be truthful to this founding truth of his church. Let’s come before the Holy one to knee and ask him to cleanse us again. Touch our lips and hearts with his fire after we pray the same prayer in Isaiah, “Lord, send me”.
Discipleship Is the Church:
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