Nov 7, 2010

The Missing Piece Meets the Big O

Posted on 12:36 AM by Kung-Li Deng

Recently, Hsiaowei brought a book from a second-hand book sale in Princeton, "The Missing Piece Meets the Big O" by Shel Siverstein [a youtube clip is included below for your reference].  As Zach and I were reading this book page by page together one sunny afternoon, it starts to dawn on me that I might have been the "missing" piece all alone in my walk with Jesus.  

"Being the Missing Piece"  
I know that this book is a story on how to grow in a relationship, not a Christian discipleship textbook.  However, it points out a key I might have missed entirely in the past: my faith should be a growing relationship with Jesus, not just a weekly routine or a believe system or a religious act of sort.  My walk with Jesus should not be a never-ending searching for a perfect fit to something, a lot of times, good things around me. These might include church, acceptance from people, organization, worldly success, financial security..... should I go on with the list?   That is why Jesus asks Peter in John 21, "Do you love me more than there [...]" and we can all fill in the blank.

 "Come and You will See"  In Book of John 1:39, Jesus invited two disciples including Andrew to come and see where Jesus lived.  It is an invitation to welcome these disciples into his lives: to see where he lives, eats, talks and faces daily chores, routines and work.  This is the way of life, in fact, a only way to life abundant: to follow Jesus on our daily lives.  A lot of times, being the missing piece, I have been expecting an invitation to a "spiritual" experience, "promotion" in the church circle, and even acceptance to a prestigious social class.  This is a never ending searching, won't stop until I meet the Big O.

"Meeting the Big O"  It is all about meeting the big O and decide to roll following His path:  his name is Jesus and follow his food steps: putting his yoke on me (Matthew 11:29) in daily lives and allowing the "walk" of faith to mode (transform) myself into his image (Romans 12:2).  The corners, sharp edges and bruises in my life start to go well-rounded along the walk of faith.  I started to realize now I can roll a bit without any help.  And not only I find life, I find life abundant.  

"Discipleship the same way" part of this walk is to learn how to have a lifestyle of true disciple: the true meaning of life comes from the death of a old life and birth of a new life.  This applied to parenting, marriage and any relation-based course of life. 


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