Feb 2, 2009

Posted on 11:52 PM by Kung-Li Deng

From Jeng-bang

Dear all in AH,

The following is some words given regarding the Lord's plan for His Church in 2009. Given its length, I've highlighted the parts with remarks that I think is important and relevant to AH. Actually the whole article is worth reading (as you'll find out by my "highlights"...... :) ) and you can also read the original article at:

Let's receive the empowerment from reading it!

A message for 2009 by Diane CramerDennis Cramer Ministries

First of all, it's time to cross the finish line in 2009. It's time to bring to fusion those tasks, projects, goals and purposes that God has ordained thus far for you and your walk with Him

JB's note: (神在2008年底開始對我說,過去我們所學習的功課、累積的經驗、或是自己認為對自己甚至神的國有幫助的事奉,祂都要"put all of them to test before put them to work in/for the Kingdom of God",正如主耶穌說凡結果子的枝子,天父要加以修剪,好使其結更多的果子;新結的果子,無論在品質與數量上,都將遠超過修剪前的舊果子,所以需要藉著修剪來去蕪存菁,讓養分能夠集中在足夠強壯的枝子並使其更茁壯【keep the main thing the main thing!】,以便承接這些新的果子).

No more waiting, procrastinating and putting off. Now is the time to complete those races that you've been running. Old goals must be "retired," completed, and accomplished for the glory of God. Time to finish those races because God wants to "train" and prepare His people for a new season: a new marathon of might, mercy, and miracles.
God is also preparing His people to cross new lines into enemy territory on an unprecedented scale. It is time to set the captives free in mass and magnitude like today's Church has never known

J.B. 's note (somehow我覺得這與航空母艦的異象中,跟隨在領頭船之後的其他船艦,從原先在黑暗中的破舊,到加入神的軍隊之後被更新所呈現的榮光很吻合).

God will have His people "in training" to deliver those prisoners trapped in the occult and cults, in empty religion, in pornography, in obsessive compulsive behavior, addictions, depression, health issues, fears, and poverty.
A flood of prodigals will return to the Lord, bringing great rejoicing to the loved ones that have diligently prayed for their return.
New age doctrines will greatly increase, but leave their followers empty, weak, and dependent on temporary answers. The Gospel will come alive to them and set them truly free. Doors will open like never before into Islam, Scientology, and Mormonism to bring truth and deliverance to those people.
As evil increases, so will the power and presence of the Church. God will open doors that most individuals have not gone through before. He will prepare the hearts of the lost and deceived to hear and receive the Gospel to literally save their (mortal) lives. The lost will be delivered powerfully as well from the evil spiritual shackles that have bound and paralyzed them, and they will be transformed into the eternal salvation of Jesus Christ. God's people can no longer "do church," but they must "BE THE CHURCH."
Our Weapons of Warfare
God will equip His servants with His weapons of warfare. The sword of the spirit, His Word, will be the primary offensive weapon. The Church will verbally declare the Word of God over situations, and then by the power of the Holy Spirit results will occur in miraculous, immediate, and supernatural ways and beyond the scope of logical expectations. Jesus sent the Word and it was done and so will God's servants.
The disciples of Christ will need to embrace the Scriptures on a passionate level; the hunger and necessity for the knowledge of the Word will increase for the general population of the Church. Through the Word of God, "Whom the Son sets free will be free indeed" (John 8:36). There needs to be an expectation for the impossible. Faith needs to be applied, since "all things are possible to him who believes" (Mark 9:23).
The Holy Spirit will sweep across the earth with comfort, power and refreshing as He has always done, but there will be prayer answered, healings realized and the atmosphere changed with immediacy upon the declaration of His Word by His saints

J.B.'s note (在末後的日子,神要將祂的靈澆灌凡有血氣的,我感到聖靈會在適當的時候【kairos moment】將當宣告的話賜給我們【rhema】,我們所需要做的就是順服並且剛強壯膽地去行。).
Secondly, the power of the spiritual weapon of praise and worship will be essential to accomplish the purposes of invading the enemy's territory

J.B.'s note (這豈不是呼應公理所分享的"恢復大衛倒塌的帳幕"的異象嗎!此外,我想這也是對剛開始的每週四晚間敬拜的印證之一;我們是否該給這段時間取個名字?how about 甘泉?).

It will be the most powerful way: to "resist the devil, and he will flee" (James 4:7); for God to "inhabit the praises of His people" (Psalm 22:3); and "In (His) presence, is fullness of joy" (Psalm 16:11) and have "The joy of the Lord is our strength" (Nehemiah 8:10).
Worshipping God with all diligence and passion will equip His people with strength and direct the steps of the righteous as their hearts, minds and ears are turned to Him. The high sounding praises of the saints to God will shackle the enemy. This worship will be as the breath of God to invigorate the Body of Christ. Worship will oxygenate the life flow of the Church.
People will be filled to overflowing to powerfully accomplish His will. New levels of His presence will be realized by many who will give God time and opportunity to make these visitations by His Spirit.
New Revelation of Joy
In addition, there will be a new revelation of joy. The Church will not be dependent on the world's standard for happiness, fulfillment, or success. Joy will originate with Jesus, with His peace, and with His purposes being pursued. Life will be abundant for the Church, but God will direct us into simplifying our existence on a daily basis. It will not be a time of want or lack, but a time of balance and back to basics. "The Kingdom of God is not meat and drink, but righteousness, peace and joy in the Holy Ghost" (Romans 14:17).
We will be reminded of the importance of relationships and Body ministry. The Church will meet in homes more than ever, and a new sense of church family will be birthed.

J.B.'s note (哇~讀到這裡我的雞皮疙瘩又起了了,這不是AH的異象嗎?)

The rescued victims from the enemy's territory will be easily adopted into these families. This will be a new beginning for the Church that desires the increased power and presence of the living God.
Lastly, the Church will need the workings of the five fold ministry to successfully cross the line into the enemy's territory. The pastors are overworked and stretched and not equipped to do it all. No longer should it be business as usual


The Church needs an offensive military strategy of cooperation and unity to conquer the enemy's control of his victims.
There needs to be a surge on the areas where rescues need to occur by the joint efforts of the pastor, teacher, evangelist, prophet and apostle. This is the design of the original Church, God's original and perfect plan, and God wants it reestablished in the current Church. The Church needs to be trained in the establishment of this multi-faceted leadership and Church government that will establish a majorly effective Church in these latter days. Sadly we've forgotten or avoided that original design.
Get ready to cross the lines of demarcation

J.B.'s note (與舊皮袋、老方法、出於人意的籌算、甚至罪 "劃清界限")

in 2009 - some not ever before crossed. The Church will claim and reclaim territory that belongs to the Kingdom of God. It is God's plan for this new year to shake off the old ways, finish the former tasks, and set our sights on new goals, a new race to a new finish line. God wants to be the Church's Personal Trainer, preparing each of His children for a heavenly race of Olympic proportions. This will be for a mighty season of victory over evil that exists in the world, while increasing the Body of Christ as God's people "prepare the way of the Lord."
"The Kingdom of Heaven suffers violence and the violent take it by force"(Matthew 11:12).
"He has shown thee O man what is good and what does the Lord require of you, but to do justly, to love mercy and to walk humbly with thy God" (Micah 6:8).
God prepare and bless us all.
Diane Cramer / Dennis Cramer Ministries

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