Mar 4, 2009

School of Prophet Conference Summary from Kung-Li

Posted on 11:51 PM by Kung-Li Deng

from Kung-Li
I am attending the school of prophet training from Global Awakening, started by Randy Clark. Randy, as some of us may know, was one of the team that started Toronto Blessings. (by the way, Randy will be here on Saturday)
I gather a few nuggets of thoughts from my meeting notes that you might find useful for you:
- Excel in one thing that God gives to us. It is one thing to be good at many things in God. But what makes a difference is that one really excel in one thing God gives to him or her

- I was wondering about what the seven Spirits of the Lord really are. Isiah 11 talks about only 6. What is the seventh spirit as revelation talks about? The first few moment in the meeting, I received the answer!! I will share more in the future blog or in the service

- Pastors, in particular, are called to office in the five fold ministry at this point of time, working shoulder to shoulder with five-fold ministry team as described in Ephesian 4

- During the evening worship, Steve Swanson, who oversees Mike Bickle's worship in Kansas, saw a picture that God's churches were using a sword to "draw a line" with the past in 2009 that was not aligning with God. What is left will be pure and clean so God can work and build upon. I shut in the meeting "yeeeees"

-Jesus's last name is not Crisis but Christ. (this one is good)

- Time of trouble like today's economic crisis is when Joseph was able to gather all the fortunes from other nations and turned it into wealth that is sufficient for his family and all the Hebrews. Transferring of fortune from the hands of wicked to believers will take the self-financing of new things God has put into believers' heart

- Firewalls at various country in media and Internet will come down to allow God's message to come in. This is a new battle field that will take believers' skills and hearts. "Holy Hackers" (hopefully for Isalamic countries and China )

- A great army of new generation will take on the Internet, media. Internet technology that allows people to feel just like to be one room and doing ministry of discipleship, healing and fellowship will be there for us to use. ( we are right on this one!!)

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