Jun 19, 2009
Lifeboat launched in LA
Launching in
LA (June 28 Sunday):
· One day, as Jesus was standing by the Lake of Galilee....He got into one of the boats, the one belonging to Simon, and asked him to put out a little from shore. Then he sat down and taught the people from the boat (Luke 5:1-4)
After this lifeboat launching, Jesus ask Simon to cast the nets for a catch.
Simon Peter answered, "Master, we've worked hard all night and haven't caught anything. But because you say so, I will let down the nets"
You know the result: two boats filled with catch of fish that they began to sink....
Launch your house, your business for Jesus, and you will see Him show up with his blessings...
Praise the Lord!! AHF will have our first life boat launching.
After much praying and confirmation, Luke and his family (click to watch Luke and family) will start a AHF house in Hacienda Height, LA.There will be a public commission prayer meeting on June 28.

We have invited several local pastors and elders in LA to join us in the commissioning. This launching will be broadcasted live on Catalite. AHF members will have chance to join on-line from East Coast to pray, bless and commission them as Luke, Evelyn, Miriam are stepping out in faith to follow God’s heart.
· You can participate this in prayer, go and give: witnessing from Jerusalem, all of Judea…..
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