Aug 11, 2009

Agape Love 1 Unconditional Love through Jesus Christ

Posted on 1:36 PM by Kung-Li Deng

Agape Love 1
I use these three video clips from [Dong Haeng] to illustrate God's love, Agape love in youth summer house.
I would like to share with you here in a 3 series:
Here is the number 1:

"Unconditional Love through Jesus Christ"

Through this love, Jesus died for our sin on the cross. (John 3:16) And through the cross, Jesus was pierced for our transgressions and crushed for our iniquities. (Isaiah 53:5) Jesus' love completes us so that we can have life and life abundantly. (John10:10)

Yet we may experience darkness and failure in our daily walk (Hebrew 12:1) : compared with what Jesus did for us on the cross, these can only bring us closer to Him when we lift our head to look upon Him (Hebrew 12:2), not our own feelings and circumstances.

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