Mar 29, 2009

Agape House Kid’s Corner Introduction

Posted on 2:25 AM by Kung-Li Deng

Post by Hsiaowei 中文請點此

Welcome to the Kid’s Corner of Agape House (AH). “Teaching the way the children should go” is a daily task. In AH, we encourage parents to be the pastors of their children. It is important that we plant the words of God in our children’s hearts on a daily basis, not just during relatively short Sunday school programs. We do not need to have professional education backgrounds or long history of bible study to do so. All we need to do is to learn and practice God’s words together with our children. I used to avoid any children’s ministries before if possible. I can present topics related to my professional background to hundreds but I simple did not know how to handle a group of kids. Thanks for God’s mercy that He has blessed me with a boy, Zach, to practice these lessons together everyday. It has been a very rewarding process since I started to teach children the words of God—not only to see them absorbing God’s words but God also speak to me every time I prepare teaching materials.

In the lesson of ‘Manna’, God reminded me that my security should not rely on a paid job but on His words.

The lesson of ‘Samuel’ taught me to pay attention to Holy Spirit’s voice and obey Him right away.

The famous story on ‘David defeated Goliath’encouraged me to fix my eyes on God; not the difficulties around me.

Together with our children, let’s ask for God’s strength to apply His principles in our daily life. Children learn to react to God by observing how we respond to God. Our faith with God will also serve a lifetime role in our children’s faith journey. I grew up in a Christian family and

learned bible stories at least once a year. However, it was my widowed mother’s faith toward God that still pushes me now to seek God first when a crisis comes.

In the Kid’s Corner, we hope you find useful materials in establishing your children’s relationship with God. You may also modify the materials and come up with better ideas to apply on your kids because you are the one who know them the best. Also, Holy Spirit will be our best counselor. Again, the format and teaching materials are not the keys. What matters are the efforts and time we plant in our children’s lives.

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