Jul 7, 2009

East Coast Prayer Network July Update

Posted on 4:05 PM by Kung-Li Deng

Some highlights from Coworkers and Pastors for this month (July):

Charles Tu (HIC):
Fruits are being produced. Fire is burning in many places. The RIVER that we have been praying for is coming like a tidal wave. The Holy Spirit is now orchestrating many things to work together for the good of those who love HIM. It is such a blessing to live in a time like this.

Fred Hsu (HIC):
  1. 這次郭美江牧師見到東岸氣氛已有改變,包括DC及多倫多。為眾教會禱告,特別為彭榮仁、晏魯、劉文等牧師禱告。主大大施恩,水漲船高。
  2. 教會正在復興,所以邪靈界更加攔阻,我們必須清楚屬靈爭戰的真實,故大家要更認真禱告禁食,趕走所有壓制的、圍困的、控告的、宗教的靈,則個人及教會才能健康並万事興。
  3. 為明年Nyack禱告。不只是一年一年作特會,經歷圣靈,還要更上一層,使教會都健壯起來,並且得上頭能力之後要傳福音到地極 (18)

David Peng (1st Presbyterian church Fort Lee):
Thanks to the Lord, for God had connect many churches, from Canada, Boston, NY, NJ, Philadelphia, Delaware, Maryland, Washing DC and Georgia, (according to Monica Kuo), the East Coast is on fire for the Lord and we saw the golden string at our church and Monica also share the vision (she saw it when she is preaching at Maryland) and she also report that many church had been break through, praise the LORD!

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