Oct 12, 2010

Firework _ Poem by Sarah Tang

Posted on 2:32 PM by Kung-Li Deng

I am sharing a poem from Sarah Tang (10 year old).  Sarah went to Lake Tahoe for a family reunion.  She wrote this poem on a day by the side of beach.  On our weekly Thursday Catalite Time, she couldn't wait to share this poem with everyone in the prayer room.  We were so blessed to witness a little artist in-making!!  After asking for her permission, I am publishing on this blog to share with you.

by Sarah Tang

Fireworks painting in the sky
You seem so close yet so high
You are colorful which makes you so beautiful
Your shapes are so clever 
Why can't you last forever
See other art work from Sarah: Rainbow in a Sunny Day

3 Response to "Firework _ Poem by Sarah Tang"

Shu-Jung Tang Says....

Wonderful Poem ! Sarah ! Other than Firework, there are many precious things which can last forever, like Jesus's love, Daddy's love, Carol's love, Britny's love.... and.... of course, Big uncle's love for you :-)

Anonymous Says....

I am the author of the poem, and I am "10" not 9 years old!!!

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