Jan 18, 2013

Agape House Super Family Sunday on Jan 13, 2013

Arise and Sing, the Children of Zion!!

Apr 10, 2012

愛講故事的耶穌: 愛家We-Time Family House

在愛家週日的We-Time, 我們一起聽了一個故事,“日出的山丘”。謝謝年輕人一個個上來為我們講這個故事,聽完後有一段美好分享的時間(如上)。謝謝Daniel穿上圍裙扮演打鐵匠喬治,給我們精彩的演出。最後是Ethan (11歲)坐在獨角凳上對著麥克風毫不遲疑大聲的分享了復活節的真義:在燒焦教堂的灰燼裡,有一個勝過死亡的生命。


Mar 21, 2012

榖倉禱告會 (Barn House Prayer)

愛家教會在賓州第一次的榖倉禱告會 (PA Barn House Prayer Meeting),按著神的感動我們排成十二塊石頭,堆成祭壇記念過河的行動。十年前我們曾開始一個在家裏的禱告會,有一年半的時間每週日晚上我們一起禱告。感謝神這十年來的代領,讓禱告祭壇火再次重現。

 “約 書 亞 另 把 十 二 塊 石 頭 立 在 約 但 河 中 , 在 抬 約 櫃 的 祭 司 腳 站 立 的 地 方 ; 直 到 今 日 , 那 石 頭 還 在 那 裡 。” 約 書 亞 記 4:9


我們很歡迎願意一起禱告的夥伴來 榖倉禱告!!

 10 Penn Valley Dr., Yardley PA 19067 (2F, looking for Lorray design studio)

View Larger Map

Mar 12, 2012

Love Is the Key to Brain Development of Children


 A Recent scientific finding published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
 was briefed in the following blog by Dr. Charles Raison, CNNhealth's mental health expert, is an associate professor of psychiatry at the University of Arizona in Tucson (Read the whole article)

I captured a part from the article that I found very interesting:
Go moms!!

Mar 7, 2012

Invisible Children 烏干達被忽略的孩子


這段紀錄短片,希望在 2012 年喚醒大眾的覺醒,聯合20 個名人,12 个政策決定人, 促使美國政府或成國際群體,停止烏干達LRA解放軍綁架孩子,
強迫男孩子參軍,強迫女孩子賣淫,不從的就暴力對待。Joseph Kony 就是這個反政府暴力組織的領袖。因為大家對他並不熟悉,多年來國際上都對他沒有什麼行動方案阻止他的暴行。kony 2012 運動就是希望藉著這一刻喚醒大家一起行動。

Mar 2, 2012

Limbless Nick Vujicic's Marriage - A Valentine's Day Gift to the World | Gospelherald.net-Chinese Christian News Online

Yes, Nick found his love!!!

Limbless Nick Vujicic's Marriage - A Valentine's Day Gift to the World
Edward Shih
Gospel Herald Reporter
Tue, Feb, 14 2012 02:31 AM PT
Following news of his engagement with his fiancé last August, Nick Vujicic, limbless Australian motivational speaker, got married with with Kanae Miyahara on February 10th in California.
Ratish Naroor  Enlarge
Following news of his engagement with his fiancé last August, Nick Vujicic, limbless Australian motivational speaker, got married with with Kanae Miyahara on February 10th in California.

The newly-wed’s marriage is a witness to God’s amazing faithfulness and the goodness of marriage. On Nick’s Facebook page, fans from around the world poured in congratulatory remarks and comments expressing their joy from seeing and knowing this good news.

Nick, 29, has addressed over three million people in 25 countries, including Australia, United States, Canada, Taiwan, Hong Kong, China, Singapore, South Africa, Columbia, India, and others. Although he is so different from most people in this world, he believes that to own a healthy mind and spirit from the power of faith is more important than having anything else. His life and speeches have touched countless lives, allowing the audience to know that God has created everyone with a beautiful purpose. Despite the many limitations in life, “I can do all things through Him who gives me strength.”

In one of his speeches made several years ago, Nick said that he hopes to find a wife who God has prepared for him. Today, that wish that he had has been fulfilled, and it is also a very special Valentine’s Day gift to the world this year.

Nick Vujicic's music video "Something More" released in August 2011:

Limbless Nick Vujicic's Marriage - A Valentine's Day Gift to the World | Gospelherald.net-Chinese Christian News Online